Friday 19 June 2015

digital security 2

Digital Health and Wellness

  • Use proper ergonomics
  • Avoid becoming addicted to the Internet or video games

Aim: To create a 'c-book' on what it means to be a digital citizen in the 21st century.


Digital Health & Wellness is keeping teenagers away from danger of physical and psychological harm. 
Many problems can be contributed to electronic devices. 
Teenagers need to be aware of the risks of digital predators that they may meet online. 
It is crucial that teenagers are informed of the hazards of digital life and how to keep healthy and safe.

As the world today has such a digital importance, and dependence on the internet is high,
 we need to make sure that people know and understand the physical and psychological damage and risks that
 can occur.

Without the thorough understanding of digital health and wellness and digital safety, you are under the major risk
 of being in danger.
People today, especially teenagers, sometimes take for granted the privacy or risks that can be
 corrupted through
 the internet. Some children don't realize the dangers they face when innocently browsing the internet, or chatting 
to someone that they met online.

Ergonomics is the application of information concerning objects, systems, and environments for human use.


Recent scientific studies are now showing that:

" it may be possible to experience habit-forming chemical reactions to behavior as well as substances"

and thus discussions about Internet addiction have begun to proliferate through the Internet. While some argue
 that the technological benefits of the Internet are great and therefore it could not be considered an addiction
others have written books, such as Caught in the Net to help people recover from "Internet addiction" and its
 effects. Some of the warning signsaccording to Dr. John Suler are:
  • " Denial and lying about the amount of time spent on the computer or about what they are doing on the 
  • computer.
  • Excessive fatigue and changes in sleeping habits, such as getting up early or staying up late (in order to
  •  spend more time online).
  • Academic problems, usually grades slipping. Sometimes parents might overlook the fact that the computer
  •  is the culprit since they assume their children are doing school work at the keyboard.
  • Withdrawal from friends and declining interest in hobbies (online friends and activities are taking the place
  •  of the "real" world).
  • Loss of appetite; irritability when cut-off from computer use; a decline in their appearance or hygiene.
  • Disobedience and acting out. Teens may become very hostile when parents confront them. They may deliberately 
  • break the computer-use rules that are set. Their reactions may be so intense because they feel that they are being cut off from their attachments to cyberfriends."

-Why is there a controversy over Internet Addiction?
-Your Computer Is Bad for You
-Parents Sue School Over Wi-Fi
-Computers 'could disable children'

Of course there are many hundreds of more examples and issues related to Digital Health and Wellness, but these three are just some basic cases that we have found.

Here are some examples of Internet addiction as it is directly linked to the issue of health and wellness.
  • Katie Couric talks about Internet addiction and how it is becoming a growing problem; it may affect as much as 10 percent of the population. -CBSNews


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